Addams tells Travis that the Daughters of the American Revolution's condemnation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is not the work of the national organization, but only of some local chapters.
Balch brings to the attention of Addams that Polish women have been denied a say in their League of Nations and urges all sections of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to fight for recognition of their voting rights.
Balch asks Addams about whether the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom should advertise about their efforts in European women's journals.
At the Biennial Federation of Women's Clubs, Addams discusses the problems of associating the right to vote with marital status of the husband, telling of experiences with immigrant women voting in Chicago.
The Association of Collegiate Alumnae proposed various ways in which women may be included in the war effort and maintain ranks alongside men, primarily as nurses but as other medical specialists as well.