Woman's Journal summary of Addams' Mount Holyoke commencement speech covering women's empowerment, college training and morality. The speech was given on June 19, and published on June 29, 1907.
Addams argues that it is time for women to work in groups and advocate for causes that are important to them, like peace. Addams gave this address at the National Peace Congress in Chicago. This version was published in the proceedings.
La Follette writes Dennett about her reasoning for going off the board of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, recommends a successor, and shares some political opinions.
Roosevelt compliments Addams's article in McClure's, which argues that woman's suffrage will lift up women from vice. But he also offers a caution that women's suffrage could fail to impart real change as suffrage failed to impart real change for African Americans in the South.
Thomas lays out a series of lectures for Addams during a visit to Pennsylvania and Boston in March 1908 and asks Addams to consider taking on an additional lecture.