42 results

  • Subject is exactly "newspapers"

White introduces George Matthew Adams to Addams, who hopes to publish a series of columns for women for his newspaper service.

McNitt asks Davis to try to persuade Addams to write a series of articles on the Progressive Party's platforms.

McNitt provides Addams with a list of newspapers that purchased her articles about the Progressive Party and the income received.

Pilcher sends Addams a letter from Floyd Gibbons (not found) and welcomes any news from Addams.
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Addams' first of two lectures on the topic of "Newer Ideals of Peace," this one about recent wars and their effects on Russia.

Addams tells the Press Club that journalists are key in the modernization of Asia.

McClure asks Addams to ensure that reporters covering her speech to the Chicago Ethical Society only publish summaries, as he wishes to preserve copyright on her forthcoming article in McClures.

Broda asks Addams to support efforts to create an international daily devoted to the work of the League of Nations.

Various people write letters to the German Republic of their responses to a piece by the editor.
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Addams discusses the power that the press has to influence public opinion on World War I.
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Kellogg sends Addams a report on The Survey's finances (not found).

Kellogg discusses the various reports of the Ford peace expedition with Addams.

Villard tells Addams that he sold The Post and will concentrate work on The Nation and invites her to attend a staff luncheon.

Gulick discusses Japanese-American foreign relations and how they have been impacted by the Great Kanto Earthquake and the anti-Japanese immigration laws passed in the United States.

Gallery asks Addams if she knows of a place where her article could be published, as she wants to reach a wider audience.

Robins writes Addams to apologize for the newspaper reports about the Women's Trade Union League pulling their meetings from Hull-House.

Bowen responds to Minnie Fiske's letter promoting child labor in the theater.

Rayner sends Addams an article he wrote about the benefits of farming for African Americans.

Jones tells Addams about Smith, who is accompanying his wife on the trip to The Hague.

Addams explains the distribution of a circular with regards to protection to working women.

Addams writes Smith about newspaper reviews of her book, a trip to the dentist, and visits with family.

Addams tells Balch that she is writing an account of a conference in Chicago and welcomes Balch's suggestions to an international program.

Addams updates Bell on the status of a shared project

Addams discusses the effects of the war on young girls and women, efforts to ban German-language newspapers, and food conservation efforts.