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  • Subject is exactly "meetings"

Mead gives further suggestions as to the date and place of the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting.

Karsten informs Mead about suggestions Addams has regarding the meeting of the Executive Board of the Woman's Peace Party, and also notes that Addams will be staying at Lake Geneva for two weeks.

Post opines on the People's Council, changing the name of the Woman's Peace Party, and an upcoming Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting.

Mead discusses possible dates for the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting in New York City.

Mead writes about upcoming programs and potential dates in this letter to Addams.

Addams details her recent events to Kelley and informs her of her next moves.

Addams suggests to Balch various times and places that would be convenient for her to meet, as well as others who would be interested in meeting in Boston.

Addams tells Balch that she is writing an account of a conference in Chicago and welcomes Balch's suggestions to an international program.

Karsten redirects Gilbert's request for tickets to a conference to Charles Merriam.

Gilbert asks Addams for three seats to a public mass meeting in Chicago in honor of the Russian Commission.

Jacobs and Manus criticize Addams for overstepping her role as president of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace.

Unknown writers comment on Jacobs's issues with Addams and notes Headquarters' neglect in doing its duty, thus forcing Addams to take action.

Addams asks if Balch would be able to meet with her at an earlier date.

Andrews informs Addams that the Congress was postponed and all American invitations had been captured by French authorities. She also praises Addams' efforts for a Neutral Conference.

Hoffman updates Addams on the time and location of an upcoming meeting.

Judd wants to arrange for Addams to speak at an upcoming Minneapolis Peace Society meeting.

Thomas asks Addams what publicity should be used for an upcoming demonstration.

Addams informs Eastman of upcoming committee meetings.

An excerpt of an article from the Indianapolis News read at a peace meeting.

Addams requests that Catt does not begin preparing for war during the upcoming National American Woman Suffrage Association meeting as many women still hope it will not be declared.

Karsten acknowledges Vermilye's disapproval of a referendum on entering the war and informs her that whether the Woman's Peace Party will endorse it or not will be decided at an upcoming meeting in New York City.

Karsten shares with Denison the success of the recent Emergency Anti-War Committee Meeting in Chicago and informs her of the Woman's Peace Party Emergency Meeting in New York City being held "today".