11 results

  • Subject is exactly "independence movements"

Robinson updates Addams on efforts for peace in Ireland and the work of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Manchester Branch.

Montgomery asks Addams to join the Armenia American Society to help the cause of Armenian independence.

Unwin sends Addams materials on the Irish Civil War and urges the American Commission to send people to investigate.

Heymann sends Addams a resolution calling for Irish independence and tells of the situation in Europe.

Also known as Lord Mayor of Cork

A Guardian clipping reports that sixty men were sentenced to ten years imprisonment for connection to the Caherguillamore shootings and that the Lord Mayor of Cork testified in Washington.

Glücklich tells Addams that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Hungarian Section supports Ireland's claim for independence.

Glucklich asks the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Sections to support a proposal by the Peruvian section for amnesty for citizens living in exile.

Armes describes Russian refugee Jan Pouren's efforts to enter and remain in the United States.

Hertzka asks Addams to use her influence to support Ireland's independence.