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  • Subject is exactly "World War I, aftermath"

Wilson states to Addams that difficulties prevent a promising outlook at the Paris Peace Conference.

Addams discusses the role of American women as economic factors in the post-World War I global economy.

Addams explores the role that American women will have in rebuilding the world and the economy.

Thomas writes to Addams about a letter from Hoover, flyers, and shipping clothing.

Addams argues that the League of Nations could increase its popularity by taking on European relief efforts.

Lee recounts the political and humanitarian situation in the Near East in the aftermath of World War I.

Addams describes the shortage of food in Europe and its impact on women and children.

Addams provides her opinion on what World War I caused.

An editorial complaining that German women are bearing the brunt of the Versailles treaty, and questioning the belief that Germany was responsible for the outbreak of the war.

Dales asks Addams whether the Washington branch of the Woman's Peace Party should hold a meeting in support of the German women's appeal.

Addams discusses the food situation in Europe as a grim specter over any attempts at peace. This speech was delivered as part of the Social Welfare Conference at the Elm Street Church in Chillicothe, Missouri.

Addams discusses the European relief effort and the role the the United States should play. The speech was given at the 51st Kansas Agricultural Convention in Topeka.

Addams discusses the European relief effort and the role the the United States should play. The speech was given at the 51st Kansas Agricultural Convention in Topeka.

Addams relates the purpose of social work with efforts to feed starving children in Europe. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work, in New Orleans.

Addams relates the purpose of social work with efforts to feed starving children in Europe. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work, in New Orleans.

Dulles explores the implications of the World War I reparations on the world's economy. The speech was initially delivered at the League of Free Nations Association on March 12, 1931 in New York and then published in the New Republic.

Culbertson's poem argues that the result of the war will be the passing of monarchy in favor of rule by the people.
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Addams argues for post war relief and the establishment of the League of Nations and other international organizations to help guarantee the peace. The speech was given at the University Auditorium as part of the Farmer's Week celebration.

Addams argues that to reach a popular audience, the League of Nations should make a dramatic and practical step to undertake feeding the world's hungry. The speech was given to the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.

Addams argues that to reach a popular audience, the League of Nations should make a dramatic and practical step to undertake feeding the world's hungry. The speech was given to the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.

Morel claims that France is stationing black soldiers in Germany to rape and terrorize German women.

Addams asks the Senate to supply more funds to relief efforts in post-war Europe.

Addams gives the example of a Belgian woman who aided Germans after the war as a model for new beginnings.

Addams argues that Europe's moral slump is due to wartime problems.

Addams provides a brief statement on her tour of German child welfare conditions.