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  • Subject is exactly "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, finances"

Detzer tells Balch that she is unsure of the best way to collect membership dues from lapsed members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in the United States.

Doty offers Addams her ideas on how to lower the budget for the Pax International without reducing size.

Doty tells Addams that 80 people got a letter asking to renew membership with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams advises Doty to keep the Pax International a four-page newsletter focused on the activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's branches.

Baldwin tells Addams that the American Fund will support the Pax International for another year but needs it to become self-supporting.

Addams tells Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members that there was an error in the location for sending dues.

Addams tells Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members that there was an error in the location for sending dues.

Addams tells Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members that there was an error in the location for sending dues.

Addams tells Detzer that she opposes plans to collect memberships for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom from the Geneva office.

Steere sends Addams donations raised by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Pennsylvania Branch for the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Addams tells Ramondt that she believes that the accounts are closed for the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Doty asks Addams to cover $500 of the International Congress of Women's expenses and is excited to see Addams in Geneva.

Addams tells Doty that she thinks they can afford only $1,000 for traveling costs for delegates to the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Addams asks Hull for the names of Quaker speakers and expects that she will be able to reach the $7,500 goal for funding the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Widegren thanks Addams for funds and hopes to send delegates to the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Widegren tells Addams that she had ideas about the Summer School program but may not be able to afford to travel to the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Doty updates Addams about the planning for the upcoming International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Addams sends Blaine a receipt for her donation to International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Addams thanks Blaine for donating towards the International Congress of Women and the Barnett Memorial Fellowship.

Addams inquires about the status of two delegates for the Dublin Congress.

Addams thanks Leach for donation towards peace work.

Addams explains to Doty why she does not think they should invite other international societies to participate in the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Liggett sends Addams a donation towards the Fifth International Congress of Women.

Doty updates Addams about plans for the international Summer School, the Fifth International Congress in Dublin and responds to correspondence.