59 results

  • Subject is exactly "United States government"

A Women's International League for Peace and Freedom member sends Addams a draft letter (not found) to answer press criticism of the International Congress of Women.

A Women's International League for Peace and Freedom member reports to Addams on lobbying Senator Robert Owen.

Snow tells Addams that it is likely that the United States will send an official observer to the League of Nations.

Dodd suggests some ideas to Addams about a chapter of the manuscript for Peace and Bread in Time of War.

Allison offers to help with passing an appropriation for a study on women and labor, but notes that it must come from Charles McNeill at the Department of Commerce and Labor.

Harding makes a vague promise to Addams that his administration will pursue foreign policies of which the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom with approve.

McCumber drafts a Senate resolution empowering President Wilson to call an international conference to create a world government and international laws.

The Children's Bureau argues for the passage of an amendment to the constitution to protect children.

Addams provides reasons for disarmament as a means to better the economy, reduce unemployment and taxes, and improve international relations. The speech was given at the Eccleston Guildhouse in London and then published.

Brown testifies on behalf of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section for a dramatic reduction in American military spending and and for universal disarmament.

Cramton introduces three statements regarding the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment in a House hearing on H.R. 3821.

Breckinridge returns some materials about the lobbying for an investigation of working conditions for women and discusses the status of the work.

North wrote to Addams about Theodore Roosevelt's complaint that there was insufficient data on women and children's employment, and asks for her help with a plan.

North discusses the availability of data on woman and child labor held by the Census Bureau and their efforts to compile it.

Gulick tells Addams about the efforts of the Committee in regard to the House Immigration Bill and seeks financial support.

Colcord sends Addams his ideas on how to gather Republican support for the World Court.

Baxter sends Addams his statement opposing National Defense Day.

Jones sends Addams an enclosure (not found) that makes fun of the government listing of Addams as a person who had not helped win the war.

Gulick discusses Japanese-American foreign relations and how they have been impacted by the Great Kanto Earthquake and the anti-Japanese immigration laws passed in the United States.

The Congress supports H.R. 3821 which will put enforcement of prohibition under civil service.

McDonald summarizes a meeting of the World Court Conference that discusses the United States's reaction to the World Court and whether or not unity of action was desirable.

Mead updates Addams about her activities for peace and her husband's political views.

Mead writes about upcoming programs and potential dates in this letter to Addams.

Addams telegrams the president asking him to hear the Ludlow delegation about the violence done to striking workers.