A reminder to register to vote and listing of candidates for the trustees of the State University, an election which Illinois women were allowed to vote. Also includes biographical information about the candidates.
Walker writes Bill to resign from the 23rd Assembly District Progressive Club, citing Theodore Roosevelt's denial of full rights to African-Americans in the South as sinful and shameful.
Blatch writes Addams of her plans to arrange a speaking engagement for Theodore Roosevelt and hopes Addams will lend her help to the Women's Political Union, as well.
Minor congratulates Addams for her speech at the Progressive Party Convention and suggests that Addams should now belong in a higher position within the party.
Hubbard writes Addams about his ideas on woman suffrage, arguing that a husband should be allowed to cast two votes, one for himself and one for his wife, if his wife so chooses.
Cook thanks Addams for her defense of black Americans and urges her to continue to be a voice during the Progressive Party campaign for the presidency.