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  • Subject is exactly "Hull-House, events"

Addams reminds Blaine about a reception for neighborhood teachers at which Elizabeth Hughes will speak.

Addams invites Jones and his wife to come to Hull-House to meet Peytr Kropotkin and to hear him lecture.
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In this published excerpt of a lecture given on March 25, 1902, Addams describes how Hull-House provides a cheaper form of theater entertainment for the neighborhood.

Addams seeks a lecture on the Poetry of Labor or the Poetry of Revolt for Hull-House.

Addams wants to reschedule Rice's talks at Hull-House because a Socialist candidate for alderman has opened a headquarters nearby and attendance has been poor.

Addams delights in having another Greek Day at Hull House and encourages Barrows to organize it.

Addams is delighted that Barrows will attend the play, and promises the manuscripts in a few days.
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Addams discusses the two methods by which Hull-House seeks to expose immigrant communities to greater society: by securing people who form friendships in the community and by providing self-expression to the immigrants.

Maude warns Addams about the character of John C. Kenworthy, who he hears is speaking at Hull-House.

Addams asks if she can still contribute a tribute to Graham Taylor despite missing the deadline.

Addams sends cards and invites Monroe to attend a Hull-House dinner of artists and musicians.

Addams invited Blaine to "The Trolls Holiday" a performance at Hull-House.

Addams writes Lutkin to inform him of Frederick Deknatel's absence due to the unexpected death of his sister.

Robins writes Addams to apologize for the newspaper reports about the Women's Trade Union League pulling their meetings from Hull-House.

Post informs Addams that the newspaper coverage of the Women's Trade Union League's decision to move their meetings from Bowen Hall at Hull-House to the Chicago Federation of Labor Hall was inaccurate and designed to cause hard feelings.

Addams reports on the Hull-House Labor Museum's condition after six years of operation and encloses the First Report on the Museum.

Addams writes Du Bois that she is happy he will visit Hull-House in September.

Addams invites McCormick to Hull-House on Monday evening.

Addams invites Lindsey to attend a luncheon at Hull-House.

Addams invites Blaine to a Hull-House luncheon.

Addams, Bowen, and Breckinridge invite an unknown person to Hull-House for a meeting of professors and the League for the Protection of Immigrants.

Addams invites Blaine to a meeting of the Illinois Child Labor Committee.

Addams and Van Der Vaart invite Blaine to attend a conference at Hull-House about child labor legislation.