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  • Subject is exactly "Europe, economic conditions"

Wood tells Addams about conditions in Germany and hopes to see her before she heads back to America.

Lammasch tells Herron about the impact of Woodrow Wilson's stroke on conditions in Austria.

Glücklich describes the worsening political situation in Hungary.

Balch tells Addams that she is moving Women's International League for Peace and Freedom funds to an American bank for fears about the European economy.

A snippet of a letter Furuhjelm wrote Balch on support for disarmament in Finland.

Jordan asks Addams for copies of her interviews with European leaders.

Addams argues that to reach a popular audience, the League of Nations should make a dramatic and practical step to undertake feeding the world's hungry. The speech was given to the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.

Addams argues that to reach a popular audience, the League of Nations should make a dramatic and practical step to undertake feeding the world's hungry. The speech was given to the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.

Addams sends Kellogg a copy of Mary Sheepshanks's letter regarding conditions in Europe.
Feed the World and Save the League, November 24, 1920_003.jpg

Addams argues that international organizations should include humanitarian goals as well as political ones in order to win public support. This was also given as a speech to the Labor Forum in Detroit on Nov. 28, 1920.

Addams argues that international organizations should include humanitarian goals as well as political ones in order to win public support. This was also given as a speech to the Labor Forum in Detroit on November 28.

Balch asks Duggan for help establishing a commission to investigate the economic situation in Germany.

McDonald sends Lamont names of people to invite to a dinner regarding fixing a reasonable level of German reparations.

Heymann sends Addams a resolution calling for Irish independence and tells of the situation in Europe.

Lewis advises Addams on holding the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Congress in Vienna.

Addams asks the Senate to supply more funds to relief efforts in post-war Europe.

Edinger asks Addams to help German emigrees who will be settling in Chicago.

Cripps argues that Europe in a single industrial unit and a punitive peace treaty will impact all countries.

Cripps tells McDonald that he believes the terms of the Versailles treaty will lead to dire economic consequences.