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  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, writings "

Addams' gives a brief quote on New Years resolutions.

Addams dismisses comic valentines as coarse at a meeting of the Ravenswood Woman's Club.

Addams responds to Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews provocative statement that unmarried individuals "have no place in society nor in the scheme of the universe." This is part of a longer article that quotes many people.

Also known as The Yellow Kid, 1905

Addams relates a story about peasants in Russia who believe that all Americans are black. It was published in several newspapers on April 16, 1905, and then also under the title of "The Yellow Kid" in an anthology of quotes from famous people.

Addams discusses the prevalence of wife desertion among Jewish and Italian men in the Hull-House neighborhood.
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Addams highlighting the lack of attention most pay to the industrial labor done to produce everyday goods.

Addams argues for the value of recreation in girls' lives.

Rosenwald thanks Addams for sending him a copy of her Charities and Commons article because he believes everyone should read it.

Schneider thanks Addams for sending a copy of her article in Charities and the Commons.

Haskell compliments Addams' article in Charities and the Commons, which he reviewed for The Kansas City Star.

Peabody praises Addams' recent article on Chicago settlements.

Stolz sends Addams high praise for her article in Charities and the Commons.

Addams argues that American women are behind their European peers with regard to individual rights.
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Addams argues that young boys need an outlet for their pent-up energy and adventurousness, and that without an outlet, like a playground, they are susceptible to petty crime.

Addams explains the relationship between education, religion, labor, and crime as she has experienced it in Chicago.

Addams writes Thomas regarding her article about woman suffrage in the Ladies' Home Journal.
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In this first installment of "Why Women Should Vote," Addams argues that antiquated notions of being a "lady" work against the woman suffrage movement.
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The second in a four-part series arguing for woman suffrage.

Zueblin announces his appointment as editor of Twentieth Century Magazine and invites Addams to contribute an article.
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A draft of Addams' brief tribute to Louise de Koven Bowen that was later published in the American Magazine.
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Addams' brief tribute to and biography of Louise de Koven Bowen.
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Addams expounds upon the role of religious education in keeping youth from vice and examines the difficult standards to which young women are held. This is the third in a five-part series, which would ultimately be published as A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil later in the year.
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Addams identifies the dangers that face young women alone in a city and discusses the lack of support for them. This is the fourth in a five-part series, which would ultimately be published as A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil later in the year.

Taylor urges Addams to write to Arthur Kellogg about writing for The Survey and discusses her upcoming articles for the publication.