7 results

  • Date is exactly "1919-03-22"

Addams tells Haldemasn-Julius about her plans to go to Europe and asks about family events.

Addams sends Dodd a petition regarding the League of Nations and hopes to see him before she leaves for Europe.

Also known as Jane Addams to the Carrie Chapman Catt, March 22, 1919

Addams explains the travel restriction that limit the number of American delegates to the International Congress of Women and asks who will be able to make the trip.

Addams encourages Wald to attend the International Congress of Women and secure a passport.

Addams relates her upcoming travels to Linn, and sends them some money for the hospital.

Addams updates Kelley on travel plans to Switzerland.

Addams tells Hull that she received her passport for Switzerland but wants to keep it out of the press.