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  • Creator is exactly "Kellor, Frances Alice"

Kellor assures Addams that writing her Progressive Party articles is more important than attending an Executive Committee Meeting in New York.

Kellor sends two letters to inform a later discussion she hopes to have with Addams.

Kellor writes Addams about the defeat of woman suffrage in Ohio, arguing that women should join the Progressive Party .

Kellor asks for names and addresses of state and county party chairmen in an effort to engage women in Theodore Roosevelt's campaign for the presidency.

Kellor sends Kellogg the names of members of President Woodrow Wilson's Industrial Commission and seeks ideas for topics for investigation.

Kellor seeks to increase the breadth of membership in the Progressive Service and asks for names of men and women in who may be interested.

Kellor calls for women to join the Progressive Party.

Kellor seeks the support of women in the Progressive Party campaign.

Kellor encourages women's organizations to join the Progressive Party and to participate in the upcoming campaign.

Kellor informs Roosevelt that his pick for the Progressive Party's National Committee violates the decisions made at the party convention about who was eligible and who was tasked with making the selection.

Leaders of the Progressive Party created an organizational structure of bureaus and committees to continue the work of the party after the election.

Produced to appeal to woman voters, this Progressive Party pamphlet includes Jane Addams' nomination speech, a letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Addams, the party plank on equal suffrage, and the party's plans for democratic rule and social and industrial justice.

In this article written for The Survey, Kellor describes the work of the National Committee of the Progressive Party in the aftermath of the 1912 election.

Kellor's suggested list of Progressive Party advisory board members.

A call for women workers in the Progressive Party campaign and the suffrage movement.