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  • Contributor is exactly "DeLisi, Julianne"

Clipping about the the Union League's invitation to Addams to speak at a celebration of George Washington's birthday.

Sweet asks Addams to contribute some articles to her publishing company.

Royden writes Addams expressing her interest in the Woman's Peace Party and the conference held in Washington, D.C. She informs Addams of the upcoming meeting of the National Union, who will be discussing resolutions about war and peace.

Winship writes to praise Addams for her recent speech.

Kales reports on the status of a City Homes Association meeting and asks a question posed in the meeting.

Südekum sends holiday greetings to Addams and thanks her for her last book.

Small writes Addams about his letter to the Chicago Tribune about the Averbuch case.

Small writes Addams asking if she would be willing to allow her paper to be published in a journal.

Small criticizes the Chicago Tribune's coverage of the Averbuch Incident, specifically discussing meetings between Jane Addams and others in John Maynard Harlan's office.

Simons asks Addams to send him a photograph of herself to run alongside some of her writings that he will be publishing in his new socialist paper.

Dewey writes of the grief that the family felt over the death of Gordon Dewey, apologizing for not being better communicators.

Ayres urges Addams to reconsider her stance on the inclusion of the suffrage plank in the Woman's Peace Party platform.

Post informs Addams that the newspaper coverage of the Women's Trade Union League's decision to move their meetings from Bowen Hall at Hull-House to the Chicago Federation of Labor Hall was inaccurate and designed to cause hard feelings.
American Red Cross.jpg

Also known as League of Red Societies


Spencer writes Addams about the Woman's Peace Party and the recent conference in Washington.

Shaw writes Addams enclosing material (not found) and offers her service for the Peace Party.

Haldeman writes Addams about her grandmother's consent to take a photograph of John Addams' portrait, offers news of her mother's health, and talks about the various family members visiting Cedarville.

Fields praises Twenty Years at Hull-House and Addams' good work.

Ford encloses a number of clippings related to a Peace Song Service held two days prior.

An unknown correspondent writes Addams about the moral dangers of child labor in the theater.

An unknown correspondent writes Addams in solidarity against an effort to exclude child actors from the Illinois Child Labor Law.