Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, August 17, 1915


My dear Miss Balch

Both your letters came this morning. Of course the only thing for you to do was to keep your appointment with the president after it had been made and if we have Col. House's kindly offices in regard to an appointment for Dr. Jacobs I've [page 2] no doubt it will go through. I went to bed almost as soon as I reached here with quite a horrid attack of bronchitis. It looks as if I could not possibly take a journey to New York by the 24th. I am afraid Dr. Jacobs may not care to take the long journey up here but I see no help for it. We have plenty of room to take care of both of you and have hoped <of course> that [page 3] you were coming. I am supposed to have skirted pneumonia rather closely and the doctor is severe as to the conditions of any recovery and convalescence.

How shall we secure the appointment for Dr. Jacobs? Will you follow up your opening with Colonel House?

Of course we have always urged the conference of neutral nations. That was our commission from The Hague Congress. If it were begun [page 4] with three a five Americans adding others to themselves it seemed to us to give more leeway than the more formal "cabling" of neutral nations. I am awfully sorry to be laid low at this crisis. You are very good to suggest bringing Dr. Jacobs up here. I think if you would persuade her that it is an easy journey from New York and that I will pay her expenses from a little [page 5] fund (ie that forty dollars) she might consent to come. The trouble with the unofficial information which W. W. is getting from the other side is that it is almost entirely from England and France, with very little from the other side.

Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams [signed by Mary Rozet Smith]