October 3, 1914.
My dear Miss Addams:
I wired you today asking you to give the people of Elko, our first large town as you enter the state from Utah, the great opportunity of hearing you speak on October 17. Your itinerary at present provides only for two meetings, one at Winnemucca on the evening of October 17 and one at Reno on Sunday afternoon October 18. Without asking you for any extra time, the people of Elko may have the opportunity of hearing you if you will be willing to speak twice the same day. You are now scheduled to arrive in Winnemucca on October 17 at 5:23 P.M. This same train which gets you to Winnemucca at 5:23 reaches Elko at 1:48 P.M. several hours previously. If you will get off this train at 1:48 P.M. at Elko, a committee will meet you and you can remain in Elko until 4:16 that same afternoon giving plenty of opportunity for a good afternoon meeting. At 4:16 the Overland Limited goes through Elko, which reaches Winnemucca at 7:35 P.M. in plenty of time for your meeting at Winnemucca. It is unfortunate that the only train that will get you to Reno in time for the meeting on October 18 leaves Winnemucca at 3:47 A.M. and arrives in Reno at 9:20 A.M. We shall make arrangements [to] have you rest all day in Reno if you wish until it is time for you to speak at the Sunday afternoon meeting.
The object of this letter is to make the urgent request, in which Dr. Shaw joins, that you [page 2] stop at Elko, arriving and leaving by the trains I have indicated and giving the Elko people the unusual privilege of hearing you. Elko was defrauded of its meeting from Dr. Shaw yesterday due to the fact that she was detained in Montana several hours beyond her [schedule?]. She missed all her connections and Elko County has missed a big mass meeting with Dr. Shaw as the principal speaker. Elko is our second [county] in importance in the state, and needs a lot of work done there. You could do us untold good by stopping there on the afternoon of October 17 as I have indicated.
I should be very glad indeed if as soon as you receive this letter you wire me at our expense your acceptance of this plan. I can then take up the matter of working up your Elko meeting immediately with the local committee. To take the [4:16] train out of Elko for your meeting, you will be required to pay an extra fare of $5, as it is a train de luxe. This expense [illegible] charged to the Nevada Equal Franchise Society.
Anxiously awaiting your reply and hoping that your health is much better and that your anxieties during the summer have been allayed, believe me with every good wish,
Sincerely yours,
State President