Jane Addams to Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett, March 25, 1903


My dear Mrs Barnett

I want to thank you for your dear letter; coming as it did just after I had read your fine and vivid article in The XIX Century, it gives me the impression of having really talked with you -- and that you must know, is a rare and abiding pleasure. When are you coming to America, don't you think that you and Canon Barnett owe something to the children of your enthusiasm over here, [who] sadly need your guidance? [page 2]

Hull-House has grown very fast during the past two years -- since I saw you last. We have some charming apartments on the end of the block and between residents and neighbors are working out [a] little collective house keeping plan, which is successful because unforced and natural. And then our "Labor Museum" has caught the public imagination and is growing apace -- sometimes I think that it is the finest thing we have, if we can keep it enough Labor [page 3] and not too much museum, do let me show it to you -- I am sure you could [inspirit] us and give us ideas for a year!

We have thirty residents, some of them fine, and some of them merely conscientious young folk who are coming on.

I am writing this from Mass. where I have been for a few days, Mr Woods is lately married and living in a dear little house near the settlement. He is as fine and steady as ever and the new book we all think a masterpiece in its [marshaling] of social forces and mechanics. He holds a unique place in Boston which one recognizes as stronger each year. [page 4]

Please don't diet too much, the scheme sometimes ends in a curious collapse after the reserve fat is gone and besides you hadn't too much -- to my thinking.

With affectionate greetings to Canon Barnett and yourself and a real wave of homesickness for you both -- I am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

March 25" 1903

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