Benjamin F. Havens to Jane Addams, November 23, 1912


THOMASVILLE. GA., 11.23-1912

Miss Jane [Addams].
Hull House
Chicago Ills.

Dear Miss [Addams].

As a delegate to the Progressive Convention in Chicago -- finding myself upon the honor of being one, to aid in nominating our great leader Col. Roosevelt who I regard as the greatest personality among men in the world.

To say that among women -- I class you as the greatest personality in the world.

Your work for humanity by your course in taking the stand you did, and do, for the Progressive Party will forever endear your name to all people, without regard to place who live, hope and work to see men women and childrens conditions made better. Pardon me a stranger in writing as I do –- as I only like hundreds of others in that greatest of conventions had only the pleasure of a hasty handshake with you

Yours very truly

Major B. F. Havens,
Thomasville, Ga.

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