Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.
My dear Miss Addams:-
Since writing the accompanying letter, and putting into shape the excerpts from the educational chapter of your book, we have received from Dr. Hall a copy of the letter he mailed to you on November 29th. We took up this subject with you before advising with Dr. Hall, assuming, of course, that his feeling in the matter would be exactly as he has expressed in his letter to you on date here mentioned. You, of course, know that Dr. Hall's work has met with the highest approval everywhere, and since his new book sets forth his teachings fully, both for men and maidens, we cannot help feeling that your name and influence in this connection will have great influence for good, causing many to purchase and read the book, and benefit thereby, who otherwise would not do so. We repeat what we have written before, that we think our plans for extensively [page 2] advertising and selling Dr. Hall's book mean to you an unusual opportunity for a message from your pen in this connection that will reach thousands upon thousands who will never otherwise have opportunity to read your message on this subject.
Hoping that our presenting the matter as earnestly as we have may indicate to you somewhat of the earnestness with which we shall employ all our facilities for selling hundreds of thousands of this book, we are,
Sincerely yours,
H. W. B. Conrad [signed]