Dear Miss Addams: --
May I hope that you may now be able to tell me about when you will send to us the manuscript of your new book "The Newer Ideals of Peace" for the purpose of composition and publication? The announcement of the publication of the book has aroused considerable interest and we should like if possible to give a fairly definite date for its appearance.
There seems to me a reasonable chance that the book may be considered for circulation to the Chautauqua societies at a low price, and I shall be glad if in the event of its being finally considered favorably for use in that way if you will authorize me to arrange for its appearance in a special Chautauqua edition at a low figure, on which we should be willing to pay you the royalty as agreed upon in our contract with you for the publication of the book but on the price received by us for copies of the book sold the Society instead of ↑on↓ the ordinary retail price.
Will you kindly at your convenience let me know your attitude in regard to the use of the book in this way, if you approve signing the enclosed supplementary agreement and returning it to us, as I must arrange for the inclusion of the book in the circle at a very low price indeed if it is arranged for at all.
Yours very truly,
George P Brett [signed]
Miss Jane Addams