National Conference of Charities and Correction
Headquarters Chicago
City Club Building, 315 Plymouth Court
January 2, 1915.
Dear Miss Addams:-
I am very sorry indeed not to have been able to answer sooner your letter of December 26th, but I have been completely absorbed this past week by the death of a cousin, whose mother is now with me and whose funeral was held from this house.
As you know, the National Conference of Charities and Correction does not authorize its president to represent it between meetings, not to appoint any of its members to serve in a representative capacity on other bodies. I cannot, therefore, as president meet with the group called together in Washington on January 10th.
I feel so strongly as an individual the importance of our doing whatever can be done to further constructive peace that I stand ready to go to Washington if you feel that I really can be of help to you. As you know, the executive committee of the National Conference is called to meet in New York on the 11th, and I have an engagement to go over the business of the Conference with Mr. Cross on the morning of that day. Owing to the peculiar pressure that has come on me within the last week, and because of this executive committee meeting, I feel that I must not go out of town unless my going can be of real benefit.
As to the purpose of bringing a group of women together, I do feel that whatever I might do to further the peace movement I should prefer to do in connection with a group not of women alone, but of men and women, as I feel strongly that especially at this time the emphasizing of any antagonism between the purposes of men and women should be avoided.
Let me repeat that I stand ready to be called on by you.
I hope that it may be possible for you to be at the meeting of the executive committee of the N.C.C.C. on the 11th. If you are to be in New York for that meeting, I hope that you will be able to lunch with me and with other out-of-town members of the executive committee at my house at one-thirty.
With affectionate greetings of the season, in which Mr. Glenn joins me,
Yours faithfully,
Mary Willcox Glenn [signed]