Mary Dorsey Anderson Hill to Jane Addams, January 23, 1901

Louisville, Ky. Jan. 23, 1901

My dear Miss Addams,

Indeed, we will welcome you any time you can come, but I especially hope it can be before June 1.

To my own great regret, but I am happy to say, with the full sympathy of my committee, I am planning to leave Louisville for good next August, if we can find the right person to take hold here. Can you help us with any suggestions.

The assistant here, Miss Baldauf, is a Jewess and has proved most valuable in this community of orthodox Russian Jews. She does not feel equal to the headship, but might best be made an associate; unless the newcomer be of [page 2] remarkable power.

We can never do any religious work here. I believe myself that is not the function of the settlement, as religious work is generally understood; but I mention this in particular as a misconception would [go] great harm in this sensitive neighborhood. The opening for broad work seems to me remarkably good. We have taken our part in the play-ground work and other like movements for which this little Southern city seems to me marvelously apt.

Any suggestion you can give us we shall be greatly obliged to you for. With best wishes always,

Yours sincerely,
Mary D. Anderson

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