Louisa Lee Schuyler to Jane Addams, August 24, 1912

Northeast Harbor
August 24 -- 1912

My dear [Miss] Addams,

Is there any hope for my sister and myself that you and Mrs Bowen may feel inclined and able to drive over and lunch with us?

[Every] day, with the [page 2] exception of the 26 -- & 30th -- at any hour you may select? And of course, we shall be only too happy if you will spend the day here & rest before you drive back.

It would be [page 3] refreshing to have a good Progressive Party talk with you.

We are a feeble folk in this neighborhood -- to be counted (among the people I know) by a single dozen perhaps. But, although there [page 4] are some things in the Progressive platform & in the "Confession of Faith" address, with which I am not in sympathy, yet taking it all-in-all, I believe that Roosevelt, if elected, will give us -- so far as may be in his power -- the thing we most care for -- social & industrial justice for all our people -- and that [page 5] the new party stands for that.

I am glad to see the stand you have taken, & that you are a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Party.

With my sister's & my regards and best wishes, & our remembrances to Mrs Bowen, Sincerely yrs

Louisa Lee Schuyler

over [page 6]

Should you be able to come, is there anyone here you would like to have me invite to meet you?

Kindly telephone answer.

North East Harbor -- No 135

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