My dear [Miss] Addams,
Is there any hope for my sister and myself that you and Mrs Bowen may feel inclined and able to drive over and lunch with us?
[Every] day, with the [page 2] exception of the 26 -- & 30th -- at any hour you may select? And of course, we shall be only too happy if you will spend the day here & rest before you drive back.
It would be [page 3] refreshing to have a good Progressive Party talk with you.
We are a feeble folk in this neighborhood -- to be counted (among the people I know) by a single dozen perhaps. But, although there [page 4] are some things in the Progressive platform & in the "Confession of Faith" address, with which I am not in sympathy, yet taking it all-in-all, I believe that Roosevelt, if elected, will give us -- so far as may be in his power -- the thing we most care for -- social & industrial justice for all our people -- and that [page 5] the new party stands for that.
I am glad to see the stand you have taken, & that you are a member of the Executive Committee of the Progressive Party.
With my sister's & my regards and best wishes, & our remembrances to Mrs Bowen, Sincerely yrs
Louisa Lee Schuyler
Should you be able to come, is there anyone here you would like to have me invite to meet you?
Kindly telephone answer.
North East Harbor -- No 135