Albert Elijah Carhart to Jane Addams, December 30, 1912

Dec 30, 1912.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull-House. Chicago, Ill.,

Dear Miss Addams:-

I have just read with great interest your book entitled, Twenty Years at Hull-House.

As a result I am led to write you a word of cordial appreciation. I know that your work must have required great self-sacrifise and a wisdom that I think has been monumental. That difficulties, many and great, should have beset your [way] is not strange. That you have coped with such as successfully as you have is to me a marvel.

I believe that in a very profound sense the finger of God has directed your enterprises. Certainly we, the people, all of us, have reason to be grateful for your patriotic services. Not only the public, but the kingdom of Christ in the hearts of men has profited by your sane endeavors. 

Wishing you every possible good, I am,

Faithfully yours,

 A. E. Carhart. [signed]

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