Frances Alice Kellor to Edward William Bok, August 22, 1912


August 22, 1912.

Mr. Edward Bok,
Camden, Maine.

Dear Mr. Bok,

I understand that you are very much interested in the program of the Progressive Party and I am wondering if you could suggest any way in which we could get a hearing for the housewives in either the Ladies' Home Journal or the Evening Post. It has occurred to me that I might write an open to housewives, taking up the cost of living, and especially the difficulty of obtaining household employees, the faulty distribution of employees, and other matters which might interest women.

If the name of the Progressive Party could not be brought in, it might answer the purpose if the articles were signed by me as National Committeeman for the Progressive Party. Will you let me know if this seems at all feasible and if so I will prepare same for your criticism and suggestions. I feel that if we could rally the small householder upon this question of living and gain her assistance in the protection of working women and children it would be a very substantial gain for our legislation during the next year.

Very truly yours,

F.A.K [initialed]