George Platt Brett Sr. to Jane Addams, December 7, 1906

The Macmillan Company
New York, Dec. 7, 1906

My dear Miss Addams:-

The printers tell us that your book has just been passed for press and that the plates are now ready for the work of the pressmen; but we are extremely doubtful as to whether it is wise to undertake to publish the book before the first week or two of 1907.

It will, as a matter of fact, take about a week to print the book, and another week to bind it: so that in any case it could not be put upon the market before about the 20th of December; and to issue it then would mean that there was no possible way in which the book could be distributed to the trade or shown by booksellers to their customers.

Under the circumstances, do you not agree with us in believing that it will be better to put the book down for publication on the 16th of January?

We take pleasure in enclosing you herewith a [check] for the amount of money due on its publication, less the amount of author's excess corrections as per the statement herewith, and will beg you to let us have a receipt for the same in due course.

Yours very truly,

George P Brett [signed]

Miss Jane Addams