Dear Madam
I beg of you to read the enclosed extract from the NY Evening Post which you may not have seen. This paper is one of the best and fairest in the country toward the negro.
As I read of the enthusiasm of the great convention with which you have identified yourself -- the solemn hymns sung -- the promises of consecration to the "people's freedom" -- made by [pious] delegates and their leader that arch-hypocrite. [page 2]
I thought of the breaking hearts of my people -- the Afro-Americans -- and I shuddered at the blasphemy of the farce. Away with sophistry! Is it right before God to do evil that good may come? Is woman [suffrage] more important in His sight than the right of the Negro to be treated like a man? Or are these views too old-fashioned for the "Progressive" Party?
Oh! woman of the warm heart and golden tongue who has done so much for humanity do not identify yourself with those who have joined hands to crush [page 3] the poor African! Come out from among them! And by so doing and letting it be known you will accomplish more for the race than has been done since the days of Lincoln and your name will go down to posterity linked with that of the great Harriet Beecher Stowe and the thanks and prayers of the colored people will ever follow you.
One of them.