Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, January [11-30?], 1901


University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wis.

School of Economics
Political Science and History
Richard T. Ely, Director

Madison, Wis. Jan. 1901.

Miss Jane Addams,
335 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams;

I am glad to hear from you. It is surprising that you are able to accomplish so much. I do not at all wonder that you find it hard to write your book. I am so confident, however, that your book is going to be helpful but I hope you will steal the time from other things, important as these other things are.

I have not read Stanton Coit's Ethical Democracy of which you speak. I have heard about it, and what you say determines me to improve the first opportunity to read it.

Mrs. Ely still has nervous prostration, but I hope in a few days to be able to take her again to a sanitarium, where I hope rest and quiet will completely restore her health. She made a mistake before in returning home too soon. We both thought she was well enough to warrant it, although the physicians said it was unwise.

Faithfully yours,

P. S. Can you not, without going into details and mentioning chapters give me ten or a dozen lines indicative of the general character of [page 2] your book. The policy of the Macmillans is to announce things somewhat in advance and to prepare the public for them. I believe it is a good policy.

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