Woman's Home Mission Review of Twenty Years at Hull-House, February 1911

Books and Magazines

TWENTY YEARS AT HULL HOUSE, by Miss Jane Addams, is a book of rare interest. Miss Addams's large understanding of social and economic facts, her hand-to-hand experience with social problems, her sane interpretation of the divine law of love to the neighbor, and, crowning all, her spirit of boundless compassion and wise tenderness -- the spirit which led a blind man, old and poor, but, nevertheless, a "neighbor" to always address her as "Kind Heart" -- amply qualify her as the true head and heart of the "Settlement" she founded, which has expanded from its small beginning to a cluster of thirteen buildings, with forty residents, all working for the uplift of the great city in which it is located. Hull House has often been criticized as lacking in the religious element. However this may be, the gospel of loving word and deed is both preached and practiced in its activities, and we commend this singularly wise and uplifting record of twenty years of love and labor among "the neighbors" of a foreign section of Chicago to our readers. Published by the Macmillan Company, New York City. Price, $2.50, net.

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