Ann J. Allebach to Jane Addams, August 15, 1912

Woman Suffrage Party
of the City of New York
30 E. 34TH ST.

939 st Marks Ave
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Aug. 15. 1912.

My dear Miss Addams: -- I take this first opportunity to thank you for what you did for the women --, the American People, at the Progressive Convention at Chicago recently. (sie sind en zeitgeist.) May I tell you that I was the first woman chosen to serve as a delegate, at the convention from New York? I very much regret that I was obliged to decline. However I expect to serve as a delegate to the state convention in Syracuse, on sept. 5 & 6.

Give no heed as to what some may say of your procedure for you represented the women in such a way that every woman should be proud of your willingness to second the nomination of a man who is wholesome, sane and temperate for president of this great United States.

I do hope that I may have the pleasure of giving you a hearty hand shake for what you have done and are doing for humanity. God bless you keep you and use you. With best wishes I am

Yours very cordially

A. J. Allebach.

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