Stanley McCormick to Jane Addams, January 12, 1904


Jan. 12/04.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 335 South Halsted St.,

Dear Miss Addams:--

I must apologize for not replying at once to your note of the 29th, enclosing a letter from Mr. Murphy, and a prospectus of the National Child-Labor Committee, which I return herewith.

I wired Mr. Murphy last night that I would accept a position on the committee. The real cause of my procrastination was that I wanted to answer you at the same time in regard to Prof. Ely, but have been unable to make a decision on that matter heretofore, and did not want to put you to the trouble of making an appointment with me until I might be a little more definite.

I leave for New York for a few days, and hope to be able there to see several men who are interested in this project, and in that way come to a conclusion.

Hoping I have not inconvenienced you too much about the Child-Labor Committee, I am

Yours very sincerely,

Stanley McCormick [signed]