Dear Miss Addams
I have just finished reading your new book. It is a great contribution to our needs. You seem to know how to deal with concrete material without giving to the reader the nauseous after effects that come from so much of the material published. I am making up a brief reference list for teachers on Social Hygiene and [illegible] <after> exclusions for inadequacy, misrepresentations and sentimentality one does not have very much left.
I wonder whether there may not be a difference in some phases of the problem as men and women come to recognize and accept more definitely the effect of the control of corruption. I find a great difference in attitude, on the part of many whom I know [& on?] that which they took a few years ago. [page 2]
Do you know any frank discussion of this phase of the subject?
I am at watching closely the insurgent movement among elementary teachers. The woman teacher is just awakening to the fact that she is a part of the democratic movement and with her awakening come many bad moves in policy. Meanwhile the privileged classes (superintendents, supervisors and high school teachers) are <[for their own part]> either indifferent, in opposition or using the new movement to further their own interests. I am constantly surprised to find so few thinking on the subject. Our Baltimore school situation does not clear very rapidly -- it is trying but I do not see any justification for leaving it as yet. [page 3]
Our general social situation in Baltimore lacks leadership. Such people as Miss Richmond and the Glenns have been called away and those who have come in are not leaders. Dr. Magruder does much strong work but the social settlement people are not strong -- all seem good, earnest people but lacking in attack on big problems. This is all the more unfortunate in that Baltimore has so many effective men and women such as Dr. Kelly and Mrs Corkran.