"It hardly seems to our best interest to go over to any political organization in a body, as we have many staunch champions among both the Republican and Democratic parties."
In view of past and present conditions, this can only emanate from a trimmer, egotist and narrow-minded pin-head, who cannot take a broad and comprehensive view and who [hasn't] even sense enough to work in the real interest of the principles which are professed.
There <are> six western States in the Union that have Woman's Suffrage. Nothing could give the cause of Woman's Suffrage a greater impetus and force -- both the Democratic and Republican parties in their future State and National platforms [illegible] to favor the political equality, without regard to sex, -- than if in these six western States the women, with practical unanimity, would support the National Progressive Party and by their votes (which they could do, if cast with substantial unanimity) carry those States for the candidates standing upon the platform of the National Progressive Party. In these six different States the women have the power to cast practically as many votes as the men. Assuming then that there will be a division among the men as to the three Presidential candidates (although all the probabilities are that Roosevelt will carry these States), the women in these States have it of course absolutely within their power to carry these States for the candidates of the National Progressive Party, which, beyond question, is the party [of] the future. Assuredly too, it is the only party whose platform strikes out fairly and squarely for better industrial conditions, for the betterment of the condition of working-women (as well as the enfranchisement of women) and the protection of the children. How then <a> woman, claiming to labor in <all> these interests, can be so bigoted as to claim that this platform must not be actively endorsed because, perchance, woman's suffrage has some friends in the Republican and Democratic parties and then makes the inane suggestion that the Prohibition and the Socialist parties had previously favored woman's suffrage, not having sense enough to see that that has no bearing whatever on present conditions, is difficult to understand. I trust and hope that the real leaders of Woman's Suffrage, broad-minded leaders like Miss Jane Addams, will be aroused to the present situation and the propaganda started among the women of these six western States calling upon each and every one of them to do their duty and, at the November election, vote for the candidates of the National Progressive Party.