December 14, 1911.
My dear Miss Addams:
I have your letter of December 11th and very much wish I could see you some time to talk over this great question. You have an accumulation of facts and wisdom which very few people possess. I am sure I could add but little in the way of a contribution to the subject, but it belongs to the questions which have always been in the world and I have always been deeply interested in it. The fact that it is being considered by so many who are eager to do something is hopeful. The church certainly ought to add a large contribution the way of helpful solution. I am sure you agree with me that at the base of all human uplift somewhere there must be a divine, helping up us poor humans; for as Jesus said, "Without me you can do nothing." The next time I am in Chicago I shall venture to call at Hull House and hope to have the privilege of a little conference with you.