December 12/911
My dear Miss Addams,
I have just finished reading "Twenty Years at Hull-House" and feel as if I had received a great gift for which I must say 'thank you'.
Miss Addams, I wish you could know how your self-sacrifice and devotion and striving after [page 2] righteousness have strengthened others who are endeavoring to live their lives in a 'neighborly way'. I do hope that although the cares of thousands are passed on to you, there may be in your life a deep joy which nothing can ever take away.
Four and a half years of work at the Student Hostel in Paris among students from almost 30 different countries has made me realize that what the [page 3] world needs more than anything else is 'Kind Hearts,' and someday, when I know more and have thought more, I want to go to Hull-House to see the old blind man's 'Kind Heart'.
Please forgive me for daring to write to you, but there are some people in this world whom we consider as friends because they draw out the best that is in us, and you know, one must write to her friend sometime.
Rose N. Cullen