Jane Addams to Amy Woods, ca. September 12, 1924


The Bulletin has already published inventory of the $50,000-fund. I should certainly wait until we had the names from the Branches & could publish all names of donors including those who gave to the "Report fund." Why not state in Bulletin you are waiting for names from Branches for final report.

I would say that it had been necessary to raise a special amount for the report -- an account of which would be given when the names were received from the Branches -- in a final statement of the $50,000-fund I would consider the "report fund" was part of that [$50,000] fund. [page 2]

I have always hoped that all postage for posting the reports would come from the "report fund."

I have written to Mrs Post about them and the matter should be arranged with her -- they must all be paid for from D. North special gift of $100.00 as nothing else is available.

I sent it to her at once.

Yes -- I should like it before the Swiggett just because it is a European one.

[written down left margin] As to size of edition I am sure you can decide much better than I.

[written in right margin] I do not believe we can do this if only because of the way we appealed for the money & because the Int. acct has been published. [page 3]


I should have the entire list receive this report irrespective of their unpaid dues.

[written in right margin] I do not know anything about this -- were you not on the list?

I think it would be foolish to make another incomplete statement about the $50,000 -- and a ↑partial↓ statement has already been put into the Bulletin. (over) [page 4]


I am delighted with Prof Moulton's offer but I think that every thing should also be sent to the foreign sections, and through Geneva when possible. J A