Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Résumé des Recettes et Dépenses, February 26, 1925


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International Office: Geneva
Summary of Income Expenses
Swiss Francs
Swiss Franc Recipes
Funds in banks and in hand 25,999.66
Our assets 3,221.50
State on July 1, 1924 according to detail below: 29.281.16

Fund 15.510.89
Associate Member Contributions 2,203.90
Surplus s/quotation 403.75 2,607.65
National Sections:
Switzerland 25.--
France 50.--
[Czechoslovakia] 19.80
Ireland 125.80
Australia 121.00 342.20
Transfer of a deposit signed by R.G.B. 128.--
Delegations to governments (restitution) 40.00
Bank interest 37.80
Total receipts as of December 31, 1924: 18,666.94

x) Active as of July 1, 1924
a) Funds in banks and in hand:
Checkout £14.13
Postal checks 269.63
Union of Swiss Banks:
Funds for Missions 775.90
Funds for S.S. Missions 1,142,78
Funds available to Missions 1,112.32 3,031.--
National Park Bank, New York 1.249.90
Chicago Bank, Chicago 14,500.--
In The Hague, transferred from National Park Bank $ 1200.-- 6.732.-- 25.996.66

b) Other assets:
Furniture 8.796.50
Library 425.--
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12 rue du Vieux College.
from July 1 to December 31, 1924.
Expenses Swiss Francs
Salaries 9,996.25
Rent and office expenses 3,015.95
Postage, telegrams, telephones £369.70
Publications, miscellaneous printed matter receipts 1.829.52
377.94 1,451.58
Propaganda costs of National Sections 776.80
Conferences in Geneva quest 236.25
41.40 194.85
Purchase of ‘Pax Pins’ recipes 37.90
12.75 25.15
Newspaper subscriptions 114.48
Telegraph Agency 59.--
Depreciation on furniture 321.50
Total expenditure as of December 31, 1924: 18,885.65

Return of funds to The Hague 6,732.--
Return of funds to the United States 16,153.65 22,885.65
Funds in banks and cash 3,371.19
Other assets 3,300.--
Status as of December 31 according to detail above↑dessons↓: 6,671,19

xx) Active December 31, 1924
a) Funds in banks and in hand:
Checkout 165.22
Postal Checks 218.97
Union of Swiss Banks
Fund for Missions 775.90
Funds for S.S. 1,270.78
Funds available 940.32 2,987.-- 3,371.19

b) Other assets:
Furniture 2,517.--
Library 383.-- 2,900.--
Prints in stock 300. 3.300.--