Mar 17 1925.
Dear Dr. Addams:--
Dr. Jordan, under whom I grew up at Stanford, told me just before I left California two weeks ago, to try to stop off and purloin some of your time discussing our concern for Peace. I was unable to stay, so am doing the next best thing.
About the first of April I am starting to join some of the ↑Millspaugh↓ commission from our Government to Persia. It is my hope that I can learn to know something of the people, the ways of life, the aspirations in the countries from new Turkey through to China and Japan so that when I return I will be a more valuable worker for Peace.
It will be my endeavor to avoid spending time with those who would give me tea with the lemon of prejudice, and to meet in Turkey, Persia, India, Philippines, China, Japan, as many as possible of those gallant souls who are [page 2] doing their bit for International understanding.
Could I ask you for guidance in this direction, for letters, where you think it would help to get in touch with significant people?
Some while ago I joined the New York meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, because they represent to me the sort of thing for which I am striving. Free spirituality, as it were, and non-penalized friendliness.It will be very greatly appreciated if you will advise me in this project.