Interview in Rangoon, ca. March 1923



Jane Addams Finds Problem Is Not Being Met Adequately

RANGOON. -- Miss Jane Addams, American sociologist, noted as the founder and head of Hull House, Chicago, has come to the conclusion in a six weeks' tour of British India that racial feeling is still strong and that the problem of harmonizing the various antagonistic elements is not being adequately faced at present.

When interviewed here by a representative of The Associated Press, Miss Addams said: "The question of the relation of the races is very acute in India, and has not been perfectly studied. We need to approach it with an open mind as we have approached economic and other problems. In many cases these racial prejudices are due to differences in religion. As a rule, racial antagonisms have their basis in the minds of the people, rather than in any inherent inability to live in harmony with each other.

"In the larger cities," said Miss Addams, "the housing situation constitutes another difficult social problem. This is especially true of Bombay and Calcutta, where the problem has got beyond the power of the civil authorities. In this respect, however, cities are very much alike the world over. In each Indian city I have met small groups of people who are making conscientious attempts to meet the situation and to promote a higher standard of living."

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