en route to Mukden Manchuria.
Grand Hotel de Pékin
Peking, June 11" 1923.
My dear Vilma Glücklich --
I am so grateful for your last letter, it seemed a long time since I had heard from the Maison [Internationale]. Yours came with one from Mrs Karsten who says that you have been so good to her and that she has enjoyed her months there very much.
I wonder what the arrangements are for next year but I will hope to hear soon who will be associated with you.
I am writing this letter on the train for our four weeks in Peking were full of seeing many people Chinese as well as European, speaking at educational institutions and being caught up in that fascinating life of new China which has so many possibilities and yet which may so easily fall into militarism. We started a little group there of the W.I.L.P.F. [page 2] Will you please send literature to Mrs Grover Clark whose card I [enclose] and also to the other ladies at Shanghai who are about to start there.
Miss Balch has an old friend in Peking, Miss Kendall, who is so anxious to have her come next year. I do hope she can for it is a great moment in China for a determined effort to keep her in her old traditions of passive resistance which she seems to be deserting.
I am so glad you went to Rome to the Alliance meeting & that Miss Holmes is so satisfactory. I am sure all is going well with the House in Geneva so dear to us all. With affectionate greetings to Mlle Gobat I am Always devotedly yours Jane Addams