June 10 1923
My dear [Miss] Addams --
Miss Cross and I were very glad to get your letter of May 17 from [Peking] -- and know for sure that you and Miss ↑Smith↓ were coming and when -- we have "engaged rooms" for you at the "Haleahina" and hope they will fulfil the requirements.
George and Helen Mead consider Haleahina the best hostelry on the Islands and they ought to know.
(Haleahina is Hawaiian for Gray House)
Its appointments [though] simple and unpretentious yet furnish the necessities and comforts of [page 2] life to its guests. It is the location on the mountain side that is the great attraction -- cooler than on the plain below but only a few minutes by auto from the city's center. If this selection should prove unsatisfactory it will be easy to change to the hotels on the beach at Waikiki -- already an invitation has come for you and Miss Smith to go over to the Island of Molokai -- this from Mr and Mrs Geo. Cooke -- and Dr Bunker Executive Secretary of the Pan Pacific Union asks [today] that you will speak for him. ↑I suggested he would better write you to the effect by this boat.↓ I wrote you after I cabled -- May 10, sending my letter to the care of Leeds Gulick of Tokyo Japan -- thinking he would surely get into communication with you when you came to Japan -- I hope it reaches you. His father, Sidney Gulick, comes next Tuesday to spend a week on his way home to N.Y. Probably he can inform us as to some of these matters. We are sending you a booklet -- which will tell you about this only "social settlement" we are personally connected with -- we shall look forward to seeing you [written up right margin] soon -- with "Alohas" & Welcome to Hawaii Sincerely Yours Harriet Castle Coleman [page 3]
It occurs to me that the word "Molokai" may not carry the right impression as most people away from Hawaii associate it with the Leper Settlement -- which is located on that Island in one of the deep valleys almost inaccessible on the land side -- but the Island is one of the most beautiful of the group -- out of the line of tourist travel and it is a rare opportunity if one has a chance to go there. The Cookes have a large stock ranch on the Island and their friends are the fortunate ones. You will probably find literature in the tourist bureau [in] Yokohama -- which will inform you something about Molokai [though] [page 4] it is not yet available as a tourist asset. It is not fair to leave you in doubt as to the "Hotel" matter as I have written it.
George and Helen Mead desire above all things -- that you shall have the opportunity "Haleahina" offers for a quiet secluded resting place by the way -- It is our [house] -- which we ↑will↓ most gladly share with you for the time being. We respect and sympathize with your feeling about going to a hotel -- but if you will come to us just at first even if it be but for a day -- and then if you wish to go to a hotel we shall understand and help you to find the right one. We are famous for letting our guests entertain themselves. Give us a trial -- "You" means "you plural" and love [means] no obligations.
H. C. C.