June 7, 1924.
My dear Mr. Robins:
As the summer season approaches and many people make their arrangements to go away from the city into the cool and quiet of the country, the kind hearted ones must remember little children who spend the summer months on the hot pavements and dusty streets unless someone takes them away from these unhealthy surroundings.
Hull-House owns seventy-two acres of beautiful land near Waukegan, Illinois. On this land are comfortable buildings which accommodate 200 children who are taken to this Club for a two weeks vacation. The place is equipped with swimming pool, playgrounds and recreation hall. There are deep ravines filled with wild flowers and running brooks while a large garden supplies vegetables and flowers.
The expense of keeping up this club is met by an endowment and the transportation is given free by the Northwestern Railroad; but each year we must depend upon contributions for the money which will provide the food and necessary supervision for the children. We shall be very grateful if you will contribute toward this fund. Checks should be made payable to Hull-House Association and sent to 800 S. Halsted St.
Hoping that we are not presuming upon your courtesy,
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]