Office of
VICTOR F. LAWSON, Publisher,
123 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO.
October 6, 1903.
Dear Madam:-
Mr. Lawson has sent me from the country the reply made to my comments on the report concerning the newsboys, and the proposed legislation affecting them, and asks me to give the matter further consideration in the light of the reply. My reading of the documents in question was hurried, and I do not feel that I can do the subject justice unless I have an opportunity to give them further study. It may be possible that in my hurried reading, I failed to get the spirit of the plan, and in order to avoid the possibility of reasoning from erroneous conclusions, I should be very glad for an opportunity to see the documents again, and to give them careful study. May I ask you therefore, to send me copies of the report and the proposed ordinance?
I have been in contact with the newsboys of Chicago, as seen from the Daily News establishment, for over 20 years. During this time, I have formed some opinions concerning them and their needs, which while they may not be worth anything, I cannot easily ignore in considering the subject. I may add that I have the interests of the newsboys at heart, and far from entertaining any prejudice against any practicable efforts to help them, I am in sympathy with such efforts. I think it proper to make this statement in order that you may understand the spirit in which I approach a consideration of the question.
Very truly yours,
Albert G. Beaunisne [signed]