October 8th, 1924.
Dear Miss Addams,
I feel awfully guilty for not having answered your and Miss Balch's common letter of August [1st], but I must ask you simply ↑to↓ cancel the last two months from our regular working time in the office, so very much was our time taken by outside and social work for our cause.
When I came back from Hungary on August [21st], our young fellow-worker on whom I depended for drafting English letters of all kind, had left without handing me over all the work I had confided to her. So I could not -- as I intended -- prepare all the office-work for September, so as to be free for the Assembly and for all our friends coming from abroad. I had to engage an English stenographer for all the correspondence with outsiders necessitated by the Assembly and by our visitors, and to give her the daily hour or hours for first explaining and preparing everything to her. Mme. Tunas was busy with all the invitations we had to issue in preparation to the annual meeting of the Swiss section, other smaller lectures and receptions and the administrative work arising from the daily enquiries of members passing through. It was a most interesting, but at the same time an exhausting time between the end of August and the 6th October when our last and most welcome guests: Dr. Hamilton and Miss Kittredge left us, most satisfied with what the Health Commission is doing (less so of the Protocol adopted by the Assembly) and with friendly feelings for Maison Internationale. We enjoyed their visit very much indeed and hope that they will have a worth-while visit in the other parts of Europe.
The very day of their departure, I set to work in order to give some news to our Associate Members in a Newsletter which is going out this week. Dr. Woker's article on poison gases has been printed already in German and French; for the English translation, Miss Courtney [page 2] found that it has been made in America in great haste and that the corrections my stenographer proposed would not be sufficient to make it quite convenient for England and asked me to send it to Miss Chick for supervision. So it has been delayed, to my great regret; I hope we shall be able to send it out in October. Mme. Duchêne proposes to have it sent to all the workers' [organizations] for propaganda and use in all countries; I submitted her suggestion to the Committee through Dr. Sahlbom, I wonder whether it has been adopted. I hope Dr. Hamilton has been able to attend at least one meeting of the Committee and the Congress in Berlin.
Immediately after I came back from home, we had a discussion on the World Section at Villeneuve with Mlle. Rolland, Mme. Jouve, Mlle. Gobat and Miss Graves who was staying there for some days. Mme. Duchêne had communicated with Mlle. Rolland by letter and intended to come, but had to give it up in the last moment. Miss Graves thought it was quite impossible to [organize] it unless members of National Sections are admitted as well, while all the others -- although regretting that they could not join themselves -- agreed that we have got to make an attempt to carry out the resolution of the Washington Congress. So it was decided that a circular letter is to go out next week to people interested in our work, without being members of a National Section. Mlle. Rolland will receive the answers, so that the office will not have very much to do with it. For the expenses, Miss Graves has made a gift of $15.-, Mlle. Rolland of Fr. 5.-, so that our expenses will be covered for the moment and the letter will suggest that those interested in the matter may provide for further expenses.
I shall now begin to gather the material for the Half-yearly Report we decided to issue on Mrs. Ramondt's proposal. I wrote to Miss Woods yesterday, asking her for material from Washington and from all the local branches of which I do not even know very exactly the [illegible] address, i.e. not of all of them.
I was so glad to hear that all the hardship before and during the month of May has not had any bad effect on your health; let us hope that we shall be able to bring some good results of the Congress, so that your wonderful, incessant patience and perseverance may be rewarded.
With kindest regards
yours devotedly
Vilma Glücklich [signed]
Enclosure: opinion on suggestions of you and Miss Balch concerning financial matters and book-keeping.