September 19, 1924.
Dear Miss Addams:
Thank you for your telegram regarding the French Cahier. I have decided not to advertise it with the other pamphlets because we are not sure when the British plan will be out.
The cost of the Johnson pamphlet will be $150.00 for 10,000 copies. Of this Mr. Johnson pays $75.00 for 5,000 copies. In this way we get a great reduction in price.
I am trying to get similar orders for Frau [Kirchhoff's].
Mrs. Post and I would like this question answered. Shall she pay the full printing bill for both of these pamphlets, and allow me to keep the returns from orders such as Mr. Johnson has given me, in the fund for printing other pamphlets? Or shall she pay only that portion of the bill which covers the pamphlets which the W.I.L. orders for its own immediate use? In the case of the Johnson pamphlet it would mean $150.00 or $75.00. Of course I should be glad to have the Report Fund cover both of these pamphlets in full, and then hold the returns in a special fund either under Mrs. Post's care or in the National treasury for further publication.
Ans: [page 2]
Miss Balch is still ill at Mrs. Lewis's and probably will not reach Washington before October 1st.
I have received word from Mrs. Hull regarding the question of resigning from the National Council of Woman and will write Mrs. Moore today, asking her to hold our resignation pending further action.
I heard from Boston that you are to be there about the first of October. Is there any possibility of your coming to Philadelphia before going to Chicago?
Mrs. Edward Thomas, 841 West End Avenue, New York City has accepted our initiation to represent the Section for the United States on the committee for the study of Chemical Warfare. She knows all the other members of the committee and is a member of the American Chemical Society.
National Secretary.