Women Will Save League of Nations Jane Addams Says
Chicago, Oct. 31, -- (By Associated Press) -- Future wars will be averted through the organization of women of every nationality, Miss Jane Addams, president of the Women's International League for Peace, and recently returned from a trip to Europe declared in an address at a meeting of congregational ministers here today.
"The women of the world [will] save the League of Nations," she said, declaring that one of the chief causes for the friendly attitude of European peoples for America was the League of Nations, despite its rejection by the United States. "As you know, the league was conceived by an American," she said.
"The present German government is very wobbly," she said. "When the last reparation [payment] was made to France, that government was compelled to loan Germany one-fourth of the total payment.
"There are two distinct movements through Europe. One is [anti]-militaristic and the other pro-militaristic. Militarism is making a strong effort to maintain its former foothold."