Jane Addams to Albert Joseph Kennedy, July 23, 1924

Hull's Cove Maine
July 23d 1924

My dear Mr Kennedy --

I think it would be well for you to write to Mrs Barnett and to Mr Mallon of Toynbee Hall so that the [illegible] side may be quite clear. I will also write to Mrs Barnett (Dame Henrietta, I suppose we ought to say) asking her to reply to you as well.

I [left with] you a letter from Mr Mallon, did I not, but of course that is not enough.

I shall be very glad to go over the matter at the [illegible] before it is sent to the printer, if I may, I will be here until the middle of September. [page 2]

The committee of which I was made chairman will be of course appointed by Mr Woods. I am very anxious to have an energetic one & good many [getters] like Mr Cooper, Miss Wald & John [Elliott] for instance with several from Boston. I do hope that we can get the [illegible] amount by next [illegible].

With appreciation of your kind letter, I am faithfully yours

Jane Addams

P.S. Will [you] send the [enclosed] to Allen Burns & tell him about it. Perhaps a copy should be kept in the [national?] settlement files. It is a first victory & was of course obtained in Washington.