February 29, 1924
My dear Miss Addams,
We visited the New York Committee this week and found them hard at work preparing for the Luncheon on the 22nd which gives them their first opportunity for bringing the plans for the Congress before our members and a large group of sympathizers and to raise funds directly. You have probably heard from them about the details.
Mr. Kellogg was keenly interested in the campaign for a Conference of debtor and creditor nations, also Mr. Villard who says he has been speaking on the subject for some months. It looks now as if we had found the right Senator to present the resolution. Senator Owen has made a thorough study of Reparations, Debts and of the facts showing the part of France and Great Britain and Russia in the War. He has offered a resolution for an investigation of the debt question.
We are beginning to have response from the White House and I hope we can reach Secretary Hughes soon. I believe he will be glad to do it if he can see the national as well as the international relation. It seems as if the oil trouble has reflected on the integrity of the Administration of the Democratic Party and of the Government of the United States not only in the United States but before the world. I hope that the calling of a conference and the straightforward conduct of it in the open and on lines advancing beyond those of the Washington Conference of 1922, may do something to restore standards and to justify the often expressed belief, in the ideals of America.
I want to add a word of my personal [appreciation] of the effective work, the ability and sincerity and the spirit of Miss Woods. Perhaps it is best expressed by calling it the "W.I.L.ness" of our National Secretary.
We are so glad to have your letter making a general appeal for funds. It seems necessary for us in the office to make decisions such as the invitation to "assisted" delegates to be guests for the whole of the time, without [waiting] for the approval of the other members of the Congress Committee. We earnestly hope that any such decisions will have that and your approval. The active interest of all who know the plans assures the raising of the money, without ever pressure upon you or the Washington members.
Yours very sincerely and very optimistically!
Mary H. Ingham [signed]