Jane Addams to Lida Gustava Heymann, February 22, 1924



Hull-House, Chicago
February 22, 1924

Dear Miss Heymann:

I am so sorry I got confused in regard to your dates and thought that your boat sailed ten days later, or I certainly would have had some sort of a welcome for you and Dr. [Augspurg] on the dock.

I wrote to Miss Doty that it might be better for us to arrange speaking engagements in the West after the Summer School meeting in May, but of course I did not then know that you were staying so short a time and as soon as I know you Chicago dates we will begin to see what we can do for lectures in March.

My most intimate friend, Miss Mary Smith, is going to be in California in March, which leaves her large house almost empty save for her friend and house companion, Miss Eleanor Smith. She had her musical education in Germany and is most sympathetic to all our views and plans. We will place the house at your disposal and while I hope to be there very often and that you will come to Hull-House whenever it is possible, it will give you both a nice quiet place from which to go to Milwaukee, St. Louis, etc. and always come back to. We hope you will plan to stay as long as possible and I am sure you know what a hearty welcome you will receive in Chicago.

As I telegraphed yesterday, we should also have to know the amount of your fee and as I understand it, you give one, two, or three lectures on Goethe and I should be glad if possible, to have the headings of the three different lectures.

I have had very little to do with the actual arranging of the program for the Washington Congress. We were waiting of course, to hear from the Executive Board. I should have been very glad indeed to have had either Miss Sheepshanks or Dr. Williams; they both seem to be excellent speakers. Miss Woods telegraphed me yesterday [page 2] "Cable received. Courtney will speak instead of Williams Political aspect." I am glad to know that that means that Miss Courtney will be here but I hope it does not also mean that Dr. Williams and Miss [Sheepshanks] are not also coming.

In regard to the subject of the Annual Meeting of the American Section, I of course as International President have always been very careful not to interfere with the affairs of the American Section as I think it is quite fatal to mix up the two things. I suppose the people in Washington fear that a conference of the debit and credit states might be a first step towards the larger conference which the International is demanding and could be a plan to be immediately out before Congress, but that I do not know, as I have heard nothing from them about it for weeks. As I understand it, Mrs. Catt was invited as the head of another large International body and I think has declined the invitation. However, all those things we can discuss when you come on, which I hope will be very soon.

Count Kessler has just been in Chicago speaking a good many times, Adele Schreiber is here at present, and remains until after March 15, and Alice [Salomon] also speaks here on the fifteenth. All this is one reason why I hoped we could arrange your lectures later in May or early June, but we will begin at once with our plans.

With affectionate greetings to Dr. [Augspurg], I am

Always affectionately yours,